NOTE: We are currently using Tinychat for our chat client. If you know how to use Tinychat that's great! If not, here's a few notes:
-You need to set up a username; if you're a registered member of MavHunterHQ, please use your registered username. You can't use hyphens so be careful.
-Keep all activity clean
-Abuse will not be tolerated in the chat
Here is a list of usable commands when using Tinychat:
/color - Changes your chat's color
/ignore [nickname] - Blocks a certain user's messages
/unignore [nickname] - Unblocks a previously blocked user
/ban [nickname] - Kicks out a user
/forgive [nickname] - Allows a kicked user to return to the chat
/banlist - Displays banned/forgiven lists
/broadcast [nickname] - Allows a user to broadcast via video; will be used sparingly
/close [nickname] - Closes a user's broadcast; will be used sparingly
/mute - Mutes non-moderator broadcasts; will be used sparingly
/push2talk - Puts non-operators in push2talk mode; will be used sparingly